Proud to Run 10k

This was the first race since moving into our new home, so we had to adjust for travel time. Especially for this one, because previously we were very close to Montrose Beach, now we are further north from the start. We left early and was able to find parking and made it to the start area half an hour before we had to line up at the start.

When the race started we headed north, when we reached Foster Beach they had us take a right and we made our way towards the lakefront path and started to go south. At Montrose we took a right and made our way to the park path that was close to Lake Shore Drive. We continued going south and just before we got to Belmont they had us take a left and looped back north towards Montrose Harbor.

I continue to do well on my time by using my intervals of run 1 mile and walk 30 seconds. I’ve done much better than I have in this race since I started running this. I finished the race in 1hr 6min 25sec. I shaved about 14 minutes since last year, and my legs felt good after the race. We even did some yard  work at our new house when we got back from breakfast.

This race has always been fun and it has become a tradition of ours to continue to celebrate pride month. This year’s medal tied in the race as well as the street markers that are on Halsted. It was a  beautiful morning for the race and everyone was in good spirits.

Move for the Kids 5k

Lurie’s Children’s Hospital named Miles as the 2017 patient champion and I joined his team to run the 5k.

The morning of the run we arrived at Soldier Field early so we had plenty of time to look at the booths and hang out while we waited. We met up with the team and gathered at the start. The Bejaranos started the race and then we were on our way to run the 5k.

It was a really nice morning for the run/walk and I completed the run in 32min 20sec. It was for a very good cause and I want to thank my friends and co-workers for donating!