Elvis is Alive!

I found this race from a e-newsletter from Fleet Feet. It is a non-competitive race so it wasn’t timed and it wasn’t a closed coarse. This 5k coincided with my training schedule and I thought it would be fun to run with a bunch of Elvis’.

I was worried that it was going to rain because it rained all day. By 5:00 it stopped raining and it stayed that way for the rest of the night. My cheerers came out and we even had a little adventure trying to get to the start area which was at the Columbia Yacht club by he lakefront. They had a stage ready for the performers.

There was a lot of Elvis’ there!


This was my first run with my new shoes! I believe that they are ready for the Disneyland run in 2 weeks!


Everyone started at the same time so it was really crowded in the beginning. Trying to navigate around people on the lakeshore bike path was a bit of a challenge. For awhile I was running along the side in the grass. I kept up with one Elvis that actually won the best costume.

According to the clock I finished the race in 30min 23sec. I am pretty happy about my time.

At the finish they had watermelon, peanut butter and banana sandwiches and chocolate covered bananas, I later found out that it is what Elvis liked to eat. The entertainment was pretty good and it was a nice ending for the night.

Although it was a fun run and had good entertainment, I don’t know if I would do this one again. But who knows I may do it again.


Historic fun run

I went on a historic fun run hosted by Fleet Feet back in June. It was pretty interesting we ran through the Lincoln Square and the Wrigley Field and with our guide we got a brief lesson on the history of the neighborhoods and buildings. I learned about things that I never knew about the areas near where I live.

The run lasted for 6 miles, it coincided with my training schedule which prompted me to sign up for this run, plus it was free.

They had another one planned in July that would of taken us round Hyde Park, which would of been neat to hear about the history and architecture of the University of Chicago. But it was on the day after the L.A.T.E. Ride and I didn’t think I would be in any shape to run after riding my bike 25 miles around the city in the middle of the night!

I signed up for Fleet Feet’s newsletter so hopefully they will have more historical runs.

Rockin’ n Rolling

I ran my first half marathon! I signed up for the Chicago Rock n Roll half marathon.



I looked at my training schedule and the run landed on the day that I was to run 11 miles, so I was thinking I could run 2 extra miles. I also wanted to run a half marathon before I turned 41. This race was on July 22nd, so I was able to achieve that goal.

The health expo was nicely done, and there was a lot of free stuff. RunDisney had a booth there and I got to see and touch the finishers medal for the half I will be running! I even got a free bag from them. I even saw a run that I would like to do, possibly next year, the Las Vegas Rock n Roll half, wouldn’t it be cool running down the strip at night with live music and all the lights.

Surprisingly I wasn’t nervous about this race, I went with the mind set of taking my time and have a good time and not thinking of how far I was going to run. I was placed in corral 26, so it took awhile before we actually started. Once we started I was going at a good pace, and again running through downtown Chicago was fun, the people cheering were great, the bands/djs were pretty good. I really liked the 80’s cover band, they were playing a journey song when I passed by.

By mile 9 I started getting hungry, I was really tempted to go into a shop or Starbucks and get something to munch on. Then I remembered that in the next refreshment station they would have some gels, so I got 2 vanilla bean gels and that kept my hunger at bay. At mile 10 they had cold sponges that felt really good. A friend from work where I get some good running advice told me that to make sure I cool down my core before cooling my head. That really helped.

I finished the race in 2hrs 44min 55sec. I kept saying that I did better than I projected…yeah 5 seconds better! It felt really good crossing the finish line! I finished my first half! If you would of asked me a couple years ago if I could do a half marathon I would of said no way. Now I am looking forward to the next one! I’m very satisfied with my progress and happy how this running has kept my blood sugar down, my doctor even is hopeful that he will take me off my meds. I am very pleased on my progress.


Running with the animals

The next run I found for June I found in a newsletter that we get at work. This run was the Unite Run for the Zoo, and it took place at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

You could choose between a 5k or a 10k. Since I’ve done a couple 5k already I decided to do the 10k. The theme this year was rhinoceros and the t-shirt was is pretty cool. A good thing about these races is that I get pretty good tech shirts!

This was another fun run. There wasn’t any start corrals so we started pretty quick. The course was pretty good, mostly running by the lake. It was a bit confusing at the top of the course because at one point you had to maneuver around oncoming runners and cross between them. Then when we got closer to the zoo there was a bit of a bottleneck because we caught up to the fun walkers. But it want bad.

Even though it was a run to the zoo I can’t remember seeing any animals. Except I remember seeing the polar bear and was jealous because he was in a big pool, and I wanted to jump in because it was hot out!

I finished the 10k in 1hr 10min 12sec. I found myself getting better at my pacing, I found that the max I can run is 3 miles before I need to take a short walk and then run some more. Finishing this race made me feel even more confident in accomplishing my goal in September.

We hung out at the zoo for a bit, but had to o because we were going to a birthday pool party in the afternoon.

I am planning on doing this run again next year, I am looking forward in seeing what featured animal it will be!


Y-Me Race at your Pace

My sister, Claress R., told me about this race back in March and I didn’t think I would run this one. But I was hooked on these runs, so I signed up for this race for the month of May. The race took place on Mother’s Day, May 13.

This 5k was for breast cancer. It was a good cause and it was nice to see that there was a lot of people supporting the cause. But unfortunately this would be the last run for the Y-Me organization, because the just closed.

We learned from the shamrock shuffle not to drive down to the gathering area. We hopped on the Red line and commuted to downtown. We were going to meet a bunch of people and we were running late! But we made it just in time to get out team Gladiolus’ shirt and stretch.

I finished the run 28 min 56 sec, the fastest I’ve ever ran. I believe it was because of a guy that was running in our area kept on yelling “you can’t catch me!” and I was thinking yes I can!

I think I got my amount of water down in the morning because I didn’t have go this time! It was prefect weather, I found that humidity is my nemesis and I have to wear my headband high because I would get a nasty tan on my head.

I hear that there is another run next year that benefits breast cancer in the suburbs, i think our group will do that one next year since Y-Me is no longer around.


Race to Wrigley

After my run in the Shamrock Shuffle I continued training and wanted to do another race. I searched online and I found the Race to Wrigley. It was a 5k and it sounded like a fun run. I was thinking that I could do a run every month along with my training program, I should be ready for a half marathon.

The race was on April 14 at 8am. It was walking distance from home, so we didn’t have to get up too early to do my pre-run routine. A quarter cup of steel cut oatmeal with a half banana (no milk, dairy doesn’t sit well with me early in the morning) and a small cup of water, didn’t want to have the same thing happening at the shamrock shuffle. 15 minutes of stretching and calming my nerves before heading off to the start point.

This race was pretty fun, you start outside of Wrigley Field and you run though the wrigeyville area. When you return you get to run through the corridor inside the park and just before you cross the finish line you run right under the marquee. I would do this race again next year.

I finished the run in 32 min 38 sec according to my running app. You could either do a fun run or a timed run. Being a novice runner I thought I better just do he fun run. I would do the timed run next time. Plus you get a nifty tech shirt with the cubbies logo on it.

My plantar fasciitis was bothering me when I first started and I was worried that I would have to stop. But after the first mile it started to loosen up. But again I had to go to the bathroom! I don’t know why, I didn’t drink that much before the race, and there was no facilities on the course so I kept running.

Again my personal cheerer was there with a sign, I did see him this time just before I entered the stadium. The cheering from the crowd is quite exhilarating but seeing a familiar face makes it even more special that gives you an extra boost to go further.

My training is going well, I’ve been doing the run walk technique and that really helped pace myself, and it really helped with this run. I only stopped at the refreshment stations and just walked for the amount of time to drink the cup of water.

I was already looking forward to the next race in May.


And the obsession starts!

I posted on Facebook that I signed up for the Shamrock Shuffle and Ryan B. posted back “welcome to you new obsession” and I didn’t realize then how true that statement has become.

I had a really fun time running the shamrock shuffle on March 25. Although I drank too much in the morning. I really needed to go to the bathroom after the first mile. Thank goodness they had facilities in the first water station!

I never realized how much running in a group, the cheers from the crowd, running around downtown Chicago and the whole experience would make me interested in finding my next race! Yes Ryan I am obsessed!

I have to thank my own cheerer Ricky, he came out with a sign and tried to find me along the route. Unfortunately I didn’t see him until I crossed the finish line.

I finished my first 8k in 56:01. It felt great finishing, it felt great knowing that I am on my way in achieving my goal…that Disneyland Medal. That is also my obsession!


February 2012

I got a message from my cousins in California that the registration for the Disneyland half was open and it was filling up fast.

I went online and signed myself up…no turning back now!

I found the website quite informative. They even had training programs. I downloaded the one for completing a half marathon in an upright position.

I looked at it and it looked like it is something that I can follow and keep up. You run 30 minutes 2 time a week and have a longer run in the weekend.

If you are interested in seeing what training programs that are listed you can go and check this link out. Jeff Galloway training schedules.

It is a good thing that I signed up when I did because the registration closed at the end of February.

The start

In 2011 my cousin Nanette ran the Disney World marathon and completed the Disneyland half and that peaked my interest. Plus my cousins Jean, Dodong and Todd have been doing the Disneyland half for years, and always wanted to join them. Have to admit that the reason why I started running is because I wanted to get the finishers medal.

First off I needed to get shoes that would support my plantar fasciitis and my low arches. I went to Fleet Feet and did the running test and got fitted with a good pair of Addidas. I had all the intentions to start running but it wasn’t until September that I started to run.

When I first stepped on the treadmill and started running I couldn’t even make it through a mile! But I didn’t give up. I got the App Runtastic and started logging my runs. By November I was able to run 2.5 miles in 30 minutes.

How it began

When I went to the emergency room in 2010 for a bout with a kidney stone, the dr. That treated me advised that should see my regular doctor because my blood sugar was really high…above 200. I was then informed by my doctor that I am a diabetic. I started going to the gym, mostly the bike and the elliptical machine, I was apprehensive about the treadmill, because with all my other woes I also found out that I have plantar fasciitis!

Ever since my cousins started running the Disneyland half marathon I’ve always wanted to do it. Especially since you get a big medal!

At the beginning I just stuck with the cycling and elliptical thinking of improving my stamina.
