Race to Wrigley

After my run in the Shamrock Shuffle I continued training and wanted to do another race. I searched online and I found the Race to Wrigley. It was a 5k and it sounded like a fun run. I was thinking that I could do a run every month along with my training program, I should be ready for a half marathon.

The race was on April 14 at 8am. It was walking distance from home, so we didn’t have to get up too early to do my pre-run routine. A quarter cup of steel cut oatmeal with a half banana (no milk, dairy doesn’t sit well with me early in the morning) and a small cup of water, didn’t want to have the same thing happening at the shamrock shuffle. 15 minutes of stretching and calming my nerves before heading off to the start point.

This race was pretty fun, you start outside of Wrigley Field and you run though the wrigeyville area. When you return you get to run through the corridor inside the park and just before you cross the finish line you run right under the marquee. I would do this race again next year.

I finished the run in 32 min 38 sec according to my running app. You could either do a fun run or a timed run. Being a novice runner I thought I better just do he fun run. I would do the timed run next time. Plus you get a nifty tech shirt with the cubbies logo on it.

My plantar fasciitis was bothering me when I first started and I was worried that I would have to stop. But after the first mile it started to loosen up. But again I had to go to the bathroom! I don’t know why, I didn’t drink that much before the race, and there was no facilities on the course so I kept running.

Again my personal cheerer was there with a sign, I did see him this time just before I entered the stadium. The cheering from the crowd is quite exhilarating but seeing a familiar face makes it even more special that gives you an extra boost to go further.

My training is going well, I’ve been doing the run walk technique and that really helped pace myself, and it really helped with this run. I only stopped at the refreshment stations and just walked for the amount of time to drink the cup of water.

I was already looking forward to the next race in May.


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