Shamrock Shuffle

This race marks a year since I started racing! I wanted to run this to commemorate the start of all this, but I also wanted to run the half down in Springfield. So my solution was to run both!

This race was an 8k and I finished it at 55 min. 34 sec.

The race started off good, but after the first mile I started getting cramps in my abdomen. Once I got to the refreshment station I got some Gatorade and that helped ease the cramps and was able to go further.

I do like running the city streets, you usually drive the streets, but running it you get to see much more. Also it is accessible for cheerers so there were a lot of people cheering the runners along the course.

This was my first 2 run weekend, it felt good but I am tired! Time to have a lazy afternoon!

Just read in the news that a guy was threatening to jump off one of the bridges that was along the course. The guy is safe and hopefully getting some help. But I thought that the course was different this year, now I know why.


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