Shamrock Shuffle 2015

The 36th annual shamrock shuffle was a cold one!

This year I haven’t prepare as much as I did in the past, I just didn’t feel like training out in the cold, but did most of my training indoors on the treadmill.  I didn’t run as fast as previous times, but I had a very good run.

During the week Chicago seen some snow and freezing temps, I was worried that the snow would still be around for the race. It warmed up a bit and rained and got rid of the snow, so that was a good sign.  By Saturday the alert level changed to yellow, which the temps and strong winds were a concern.

I was assigned corral G which started at 9:15. The shuffle was a 8k that had us run around the downtown area of Chicago. This was my 4th year running the shuffle and I still like the course.  Highlights were the Chicago Theater, Board of Trade, The Tower (Sears/Willis), Michigan Ave and Grant Park.  This year there wasn’t a lot of people cheering, possibly because it was cold, but there was still a good amount of people cheering which helped.

There was a bunch of people that I knew that was running the shuffle, but didn’t see them.  Didn’t stay too long at the after party because the wind started to pick up and it started to snow/sleet. I am so happy that I finished before it started.

I finished at 1hr 4min 44sec, not my best time, but I was a great run.

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