Jurassic World – Fallen Kingdom

From the previews of the movie premise of the movie is that the volcano on the island where the last movie took place became active and our heroes Claire and Owen are back to help save the dinosaurs from the volcano.

It is much more exciting and action packed than I thought it was going to be. I was glued to the screen throughout, well except when I had to tell the girl to my left that her cell phone was very distracting.

At first when I saw the preview and it showed that Jeff Goldblum was reprising his role as Dr. Malcolm, I was worried that it may end up like Jurassic Park II, which was the weakest in the franchise. Also, I am not a big fan of Jeff Goldblum’s acting and characters. I was glad to see that it was a minor role in the movie and he wasn’t part of the whole storyline.

This new installment of the franchise brings in new characters, a storyline that ties in the last movie as well as the original trilogy, and brings up a bunch of questions on what is going to happen next?

The start of the movie brings you back to the island and sets up what is happening in the movie, although you do not know what they are exactly doing until later in the film.

It is hard to say what I like most about this film, without writing any spoilers. The story is one of the things that I liked. It brought another twist to the dinosaur universe, you basically know that something is going to go wrong, dinosaurs are out to eat people, pretty much what you have seen in previous installments. This one still has the basic elements, but it shows you a different side of the story and that show us as watchers that there are so many different stories that can be told…it is not all centered around John Hammond and InGen.

Overall, as a fan of the Jurassic Park movies, this one is very entertaining. The 2 hour 4 minute movie is one that is filled with adventure, drama, comedy and dinosaurs! I would definitely recommend this movie.

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