Avengers: Infinity War

We went to see Avengers: Infinity War last night and 2hrs 40min later we were thoroughly entertained, boggled and impressed. Not to bombard this blog with spoilers, I will just describe what these feelings mean.

The movie was filled with comedy, action and drama. As you have seen in the trailers that The Hulk comes back to earth, so no big spoiler there. He left Earth at the end of Age of Ultron, and we don’t see him until Thor: Ragnarok. He missed everything that happened in Civil War and the break-up of the Avengers team, so there was some comedic relief there.

Marvel action scenes are always entertaining. Infinity War introduced us to new characters that the Avengers have to fight and many tense fighting scenes. Marvel always tries to sneak in comic lines during the action scenes and again they added it here. The action started right in the beginning and it remained constant.

Finally, we get to see what all the end-credit scenes were all about! In the dramatic sense, there were enough scenes that brought more dimension to the characters and for some their relationships. Some were drawn out and some were quick and you may have missed. For example, in Guardians of the Galaxy pt. 2 you start to see the caring sister side of Gamora and Nebula. There are a few scenes in Infinity War that Nebula really cares for Gamora.

I already had some “Whaat?” moments even before the title screen came up. The movie starts soon after the end of Thor: Ragnarok, and when you see it you will understand.

Another issue was the absence of a couple of characters. In Age of Ultron we knew that Thor and The Hulk were both off world, Thor dealing with Ragnarok and we saw The Hulk fly away. But the two characters that were missing in Infinity War are both on Earth. They did make an excuse why they were there, but seeing that that the world is coming to an end, I thought that they would appear. Maybe they will make an appearance in the next installation, but we will have to wait and see.

When you see the end…I will just leave it there.

I was impressed that the movie didn’t seem that long. Actually I wanted more! As mentioned above the action was continuous and that helped the flow of the film.

The movie took place in various places around the universe and it didn’t feel disjointed or took away from the others. Although, there were some areas where I thought they could expand more, but that is just me wanting more!
I liked how they joined together the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Spiderman, Dr. Strange and Black Panther. When you bring that many beloved characters, I am sure that it was difficult to make sure that each one had enough screen time. I thought that it was well balanced and that they worked well together.

Overall the movie lived up to the hype. There was even a slight reference between the Marvel and D.C. rivalry. If you haven’t seen it yet, I would recommend it.

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